What a GREAT year – so far…
I apologize for not updating the membership sooner – it has been an incredibly busy summer and fall.
I left the USA for Budapest in late July for the FINA World Championships in Budapest  – and have not stopped.
After 17 days in Budapest – I travelled to Riverside, California for our Summer Nationals.
A few weeks later I flew to Dallas for the United States Aquatic Conference for the USA Diving annual meeting.
It was a whirlwind – and I loved every minute of my time with my Diving family.
I’d be lying if I did not admit I am happy to be home – and NOT travelling for at least a little while.
Budapest is a simply beautiful city. Though part of the European Union – it has not yet converted to the EURO.
This led to a fantastic conversion rate for our Dollar – and allowed all of us to splurge while there without breaking the budget.
Good food, cheap beer and great company from all over the world made this one of my favorite meets ever.
We performed extraordinarily well as a team.
I was proud of each and every diver that participated.
The new DUNA arena was built on the bank of the Danube River.
It is simply beautiful. I cannot imagine competing in a nicer facility.
There was an athlete village adjacent to the pool that had a Beer Garden and picnic area for the athletes.
We spent many afternoons and evenings with friends from all over the world celebrating our successes and friendships.
It was an incredible experience.
If you have not yet had the chance to experience a World Championship – please put it on your to-do list.
It is very difficult to explain to my peers what it is like.
I will say – the diving aspect of the trip is not necessarily the most satisfying.
For me – it was the fellowship with those divers from all over the world that just LOVE what they do.
It can be life changing. I will say again – JUST DO IT…
I am so proud to be part of the USA team that competed in Budapest.
There were someincredible performances by our athletes and our medal count was off the charts.
We brought 48 athletes and left the competition with a total of 91 nedals.
Congratulations to all of you.
You represented your country with honor and class.
The following chart shows our results.
Riverside California hosted our Summer Championship at the end of August.
It seems the heat followed us from Budapest.
It was over 110 degrees for one of our competition days.
We had 77 divers brave the elements and did not let the heat affect our fun.
It was so nice to see so many new faces at this event.
I hope we made an impression – and see some of them back in the Spring.
It was also nice to see some divers that have been off the board for a while come back and win medals.
(OK Jimmy Whalen – no excuses – we want you back in the spring).
I learned some lessons too.
We are going to make a better effort to have seating, shade and hospitality for future events.
Kevin Lynch brought an espresso maker from home – and was an extraordinary barista for the three days we dived.
I’ll forgive him for kicking my butt on three meter – his kindness and caffeine made up for it…..
Thank you to Lenny Larson for the water and large cooler – and all of those that went the extra mile to bring fresh fruit and
goodies for the athletes.
I’d like to send a special thank – you to Terry Powers from USA Diving.
He made the trek from Indianapolis to spend time with us on deck in the oppressive heat.
Thank you for making the time to see what we do.
I hope you enjoyed our banquet!
United States Aquatic Conference (USAC) – Dallas, Texas
A few weeks after Riverside – Ron and I attended the US Aquatic Conference in Dallas.
We gave our report to the membership and they were amazed by our success in Budapest.
I had many kind comments – and congratulations from coaches from all over the country.
We certainly had their attention – which bodes well for all of us.
Having the coaching community supportive of masters diving is important.
It will allow us access to pools and ultimately allow us to grow our membership.
Ron and I attended the International Swimming Hall of Fame induction on Friday night.
Grete Kugler from Austria was the deserving Masters Diving candidate – and was very pleased to see us there.
She was invited to join us at the USAC banquet on Saturday night – and we had a great time.
Congratulations to Grete.
Once again – we are blessed to have the opportunity to meet quality people from all over the world.
We are truly one family.
After the Hall of Fame induction – Ron and I drove to Fort Worth to visit Marnie Young.
Marnie participated in the Red Bull Big Dive at Possum Kingdom the previous week.
She had an awkward landing and broke her pelvis.
If you have not had a chance to wish her well –please do.
She is one of the toughest and sweetest people you will ever meet.
I am so happy that she is on the road to recovery after some dicey moments.
Get well soon Marnie…
We want you back!
We also got to spend time with Lee Johns on – the new CEO of USA Diving.
He and Terry Powers are incredibly supportive of US Masters Diving – and I am looking forward to an
ongoing relationship with all of the management and staff in Indianapolis.

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